Sunday, April 15, 2007

my visual dna


Gill said...

Oh you picked all my nearly-picked ones. Even the art! I looked at the chair one for ages. In the end I thought, no it won't do because it'd fall down if I sat on it. Something tell me I might missing the point somewhere..? ;-)

these boots said...

LOL! I liked the one you picked for 'gross' ... but I *hate* having "back to basics" on the front and am very unsure about "easy rider". I didn't know you liked driving too :-)

"it'd fall down if I sat on it." ... maybe that *is* the point, and just like life?? get yourself comfy and it all falls apart ... pessimist, moi?

With "art" I always feel as though I'm missing the point, even though I make my living in that world. But I like the things that make you stop and think, even if you still walk away confused, or hating it.

Gill said...

The chair pic certainly made me stop and think! Is that what art is then? Something that just makes you stop and think? I often wonder if I'm just too pragmatic to appreciate it properly.

"get yourself comfy and it all falls apart.."

Ooh I don't know about pessimistic - it's very Taoist isn't it?

these boots said...

" Is that what art is then?"

Oooh blimey, don't ask *me* ... DH is much better at those sort of questions.

Must do some looking at Taoist stuff then ... fed up with people telling me I'm too much of a pessimist/cynic. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love this - couldn't get it to work right on my blog :( Love your boots too...

Grit said...

what a shining site. thank you for guiding me to it.

Anonymous said...