Sunday, January 21, 2007

exploring scenarios ...

O.K, so I'm not very good at updating ... I thought that might be a problem for me, but hey, too much Life has been happening to get round to Blogging it!

You might have noticed that this blog has moved homes. I couldn't get the comments working properly on the old one, so I've moved here. Even though I can't make the page look just how I want it to, and it feels a bit clunky, at least I can have some interaction (if anyone really *is* reading, that is!)

We've all had a big couple of weeks. We had a bit of a scare when, for a few days, it looked as though the French were going to tighten their - already quite restrictive - home education laws. In amongst researching all that we discovered that vaccination is quite possibly mandatory in France. We had thought it was only if you wanted to register your kids in school (which, obviously, doesn't concern us) ... but 'parently not. The risk of A and Lil'M being forcibly vaccinated, and shoved into school regardless of our best efforts was too much for us, and so we starting re-exploring our options (again). In the end we found that spending just under 6 months of the year in France, and just over 6 months of the year here in the U.K would mean that we are still governed by UK laws.

It all turned out O.K. The French home education movement did a wonderul lobbying job, and the new laws didn't go through. However, Big M and I feel much more relaxed with the idea of not having to change tax countries, not having to work our way round new laws in an unfamiliar language, and not having to submit to regular testing of the girls ... and so we have decided to do things the new way anyway. It's a lot less scary. The money to run two houses might be a bit of a struggle, though.

But we don't want to stay in this house. We moved here to be near to Big M's first daughter, my stepdaughter. She's now older and doesn't seem to need us to be so readily accessible anymore. Most of our paid work is down in the Midlands (where I moved up from, heavy sigh), and we are thoroughly sick of the M62 and M1 ... and so we're thinking of moving to Derby, near where my working partner (and friend) lives. And so we are putting this house on the market, and househunting *again*.

Top 10 house selling tips, anyone?


Gill said...

Been trying to comment for days but it wouldn't let me! Trying again..

I think my ISP doesn't like Blogger's Beta thing.

Pics are great - love the shadows!
Do you want links to your blog posting yet? I'll add you to my sidebar list whenever you're ready. And NotSheep Deb is doing the blogring.

House-selling - repaint first room if needed, make space wherever you possibly can. And the old fresh flowers/fresh coffee/baked bread/real fire thing sounds cheesy but it seemed to help for us.

these boots said...

Hi Gill,

My first commenter! (commentator?)

Thanks for the house tips. I've never done the fresh flowers, and hadn't thought of the fire, but that's a fab idea seeing as it's so cold. I always do the coffee and space-making.

I've applied to join the blogring, but need to keep updating a bit more often first. Perhaps I ought to prove my dedication to blogging a bit more before you add me to your links ... thanks though!

Gill said...

OK :-) Let me know when you're ready then :-)